Meatballs With Mushroom Stew

Swedish meatballs are one of the best-known Swedish cooking specialties. However, there are so many recipes. Almost all meatball recipes call for some type of extender such as mashed potatoes, rolled oats or breadcrumbs. Less expensive items than meat.

My mother ground very well trimmed meat (ab. 300-400 g) in a hand turned meat grinder. She even used to make her own breadcrumbs. She took 4 crisprolls and crushed them with a bottle between two layers of paper. Then the crumbs were soaked in 1 coffeecup of milk for a while to make a crumb paste. Salt, pepper, grated onion and 1 egg yolk were the other ingredients.

My meatballs are a lot easier to make. [The recipe can also be used for patties]. Cook and taste one meatball before you bother forming the rest.

* 400 g ground meat (ab. 90 % beef + 10% pork)
* 2 teaspoons potato starch
* ½ dl (50 ml) milk
* 1 – 1 ½ teaspoon salt
* ½ – 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
* 1 egg
* butter

1. Mix the ground meat with egg, salt, pepper, milk and potato starch.
2. By hand form into small balls 25 mm – 30 mm (1″- 1½”) in diameter.
3. Heat a skillet with butter to medium-high heat.
4. Fill the skillet about half full with the meatballs.
5. Fry them for about 7 – 10 minutes.
6. Shake the skillet to keep the meatballs turning and to cook them evenly.
7. When they are browned, take them out of the pan, keep them warm until ready to serve.

Cook them in the oven when you want to make large quantities. That is easier. Preheat oven to 200 – 225°C [ab. 400°F]. Place the meatballs on a greased baking sheet. Cook in the centre of the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes. Turn them around with a spoon a couple of times.

I serve my meatballs with cooked potatoes, a mushroom stew, red currant jelly and cooked broccoli bouquets.

Mushroom stew:

* 250 -300 g fresh champignons (white mushroom, button mushroom)
* butter
* 1 tablespoon flour
* 3 dl whipping cream
* salt and pepper
* 2 tablespoons sherry or port (optional)

1. Clean and slice the champignons, as thinly as possible.
2. Heat butter in a saucepan, add champignons.
3. Fry the champignons,
4. Turn them around now and then until all liguid has evapurated.
5. Add more butter, sprinkle with flour and mix well.
6. Season with salt and pepper, add whipping cream, a little at a time.
7. Simmer for at least half an hour on low heat, stirring.
8. Add more whipping cream if necessary.
9. When the stew is glossy and nice, and has a delicious taste you may add wine.


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